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KSU Beef ID Academy
June 2-3, 14-15; July 19-20; Aug. 2-3, Manhattan, Kan.
The Kansas State University (KSU) Beef ID Academy is an intense educational program designed to provide an in-depth perspective of radio frequency technology and its applications in the proposed U.S. Animal Identification Plan (USAIP). The two-day event includes a series of lectures and a hands-on laboratory, focusing on issues involving automatic ID and converting captured data into useful information. Attendance is limited. For more information visit www.beefacademy.com.

South Dakota Stockgrowers Association quarterly meeting
June 7, Hot Springs
Registration for the quarterly meeting will begin at 8 a.m. at the Mueller Civic Center in Hot Springs. The issues-oriented meeting will explore such topics as drought, animal identification (ID), conservation, and other state and national policies. Refreshments will be provided by Wells Fargo Bank.

CUP Lab training session
June 14-16, Ames, Iowa
The National CUP Lab and Technology Center will host a three-day ultrasound field technician training course. Topics will include the background of ultrasound, equipment and software setup, and hands-on scanning and laboratory interpretation. Four instructors certified through the Ultrasound Guidelines Council (UGC) will be on site to help with scanning techniques and will be able to offer insight and answer attendees’ questions.

The Nebraska Ranch Practicum 2004
Beginning June 16, North Platte and Whitman
The Nebraska Ranch Practicum is an eight-session, hands-on educational program lasting three seasons. Participants will learn and apply leading research in livestock production and marketing systems developed at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) Gudmundsen Sandhills Laboratory (GSL).

For more information visit the practicum Web site at www.panhandle.unl.edu/ranchpracticum, or contact Brent Plugge at 1-800-657-2113 or bplugge1@unl.edu. For information regarding college credit hours, contact Jerry Volesky at (308) 532-3611, Ext. 147, or jvolesky1@unl.edu.

15th Annual Nebraska Ranch Expo
June 16-17, Bassett
The annual Nebraska Ranch Expo — with more than 400 commercial exhibits — will be at the Rock County Fairgrounds in Bassett. Prime emphasis will be given to haying technology, the livestock industry and related products. There will be livestock exhibits, hay harvesting and handling demonstrations, two shows by national entertainers, prize drawings, an adopt-a-horse program, and an antique machinery show. Admission is free, and a shuttle service will be provided.

Southeastern Expo
June 18-19, Greeneville, Tenn.
Tennessee’s Greene County Partnership and the University of Tennessee (UT) Institute of Agriculture will host the two-day event at the Greene County Fairgrounds and the UT Agricultural Experiment Station in Greeneville. The expo will include educational sessions focused on the latest ag business and management practices. A variety of displays will be available, and traditional and modern production techniques will be demonstrated. For more information visit www.southeasternexpo.org or contact Lori Collins at (423) 638-4111 or gcp@xtn.net.

Purdue University CRM seminar
June 28-29, West Lafayette, Ind.
Purdue University will host its customer relationship seminar, titled "Strategic Customer Relationship Management," at the Purdue campus in West Lafayette. During the seminar, agribusiness participants will assess customer relationships, market segmentation and how to implement customer relationship management.

For more information contact the Center for Food and Agricultural Business at (765) 494-4247, e-mail Sharon Wall, swall@purdue.edu, or visit www.agecon.purdue.edu/cab/programs/scrm.

AEM 2004 Ag Marketing Seminar
July 13, Rosemont, Ill.
The Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM) will meet at the Holiday Inn O’Hare International hotel in Rosemont. The seminar is geared toward marketing, sales and management executives, account managers, as well as market analysts from the ag equipment industry.

Seminar details and registration forms are available online at www.aem.org/education/confsems/agmarketing.

MU field days
July 13; Aug. 5, 24; Sept. 2, 8, 10; Oct. 8, 16, Missouri
University of Missouri (MU) has released its 2004 field day schedule. Advancements in crop, livestock, horticultural and agroforestry research will be on display during the field days scheduled throughout Missouri. For more information and a complete schedule, visit http://aes.missouri.edu/calendar.stm.

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